Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stressful Day

Today was a very stressful day, even tho I got to sleep in, cuz u see my owners did not have to go to slave camp today - those kinds of days are always wonderful!!

Right after we got back from our great walk, we went to that darned scary place again, I believe "they" call it the vet. Not only did I have to hang around and wait, but Veddar got all the attention while we were waiting. Not fair, I was the reason we were there, at least I was last time. Turned out I was right, this time was worse tho! We went into the other place where it really smelt like sick animals and medicine - UCH!! Then Carla picked me up and put me way up high - then she allowed the vet to poke and prode at me. He used tape on my skin and that hurt when he pulled it off. Then he shaved a huge patch of fur on my side - the other side from the last time, then he poked me with four big, and I mean really big needles!! Whew then I thought we were going to go - got all excited as we went into the other room expecting to leave for home. Well I was wrong, they made me sit there some more and than we went back into the smelly place again - put me back up on the high place - shaved more fur off of me, this time on my neck. Then there were more needles except this time they would not let Carla hold me, the strange lady did. He left the needles in me for a very, very, very long time and too something out of me, it was very scary. Finally we got to get out of there, although Carla stayed behind and Don took us for a walk. It sure felt good to get out of there!!

Once we got home I headed straight for my bed and went to sleep!!

It was a very stressful day!!

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