Saturday, November 28, 2009

After 2 Years They Just May Have Figured It Out

Last week Dr Mike told Carla to feed me something strange
Pinto Beans and Pumpkin.

You should have seen the look on her face...
if I wasn't so itchy I would have laughed!

She sent Don to the store while she continued to
talk to Dr Mike (you can see Dr Mike's picture by
clicking on his name)

Carla cooked up some Pinto Beans when we got
home, mixed them with the pumpkin and boy
was it ever tasty!!

The only challenge is that both of those have a lot
of fiber - and you know what that means!!

Unfortunately I just couldn't wait and left a surprise
on the carpet for Carla when she got up.

Thank goodness it was not the kind of poop where they
have to get out that noisy vacuum that scares me

So far things seem to be working out really well...
I have hardly itched at all!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Help me Stop Being Itchy

Well they just had the carpets cleaned.

I have had a couple of accidents lately because...
the new pills did not agree with my tummy.

So then there were no pills for a while - YEA!!

However now I am super itchy again - BOO HOO!!

Carla has been shoving yet again a different pill
down my throat every day, but I'm still itchy.

So itchy that she put that darned cone back on.

If you have any suggestions to make this itchy
go away I sure wud appreciate it!!

It sure is great with no furniture too bad they
had to put it all back

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