Sunday, December 7, 2008

Snorkel the Dog Is Getting Better

Well I believe they have finally figured out how to fix me.

We went to see Dr Mike yesterday...
Carla said for one last time

I have this new Douxo Calming shampoo and Douxo Calm Micro-Emulsion spray
and it seems to be working

I am so glad he was able to figure me out
cuz I really did not want to go on those little pink pills.

Although I hate baths!!!
and now I am getting them every second day.

But, Carla tells me it is only for a little while
that I get them every second day


Sorry it has been so long since I posted I have just
been sooooooo itchy my paws cud not work the keyboard

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I have Been Gettin' Better

Well I have just been laying around scratching

Although not scratching as much as I was before.

They are now giving me shots for something
they call Dust Mites

That last shot made me even more itchy
than I had been in a long time

They still keep shoving those pills down
my throat every day

How Rude!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

New Rugs??

Today we did a lot of travelling...
I do love sleeping in the van.

Get to stretch out on the back seat...
leave Veddar to have the little seat all to herself

We now have plastic rugs on top of the carpet...
Carla tells me they are just for me.

Astrid came to visit me last nite...
I sure luv it when she does that.

She told Carla to go out and get the plastic rugs

I feel so much better.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

AHHHH - A Very Busy Day

Yesterday was an awesome day...

First off I did not have to go to work
Got to stay on my bed and sleep in.

When you are an eleven year old black lab
crossed with a Great Dane, it's a good thing.

Carla did not get up until 7AM, late for her.
because it was not a "work" day.

I sure will be glad when she has this home based business
built and I can sleep in every day.

Well, my walk yesterday was a good one...
we went all the way over to the off-leash park.

Unfortunately none of my other buddies were
there, not sure if we were too early or too late.

However both Veddar and I sniffed out all the messages.

When we got home I got the dreaded bath...
never even saw it coming!!!

I wonder if it had something to do with the fact
that I was real itchy before the bath.

The only good thing that came from the bath was
the walk after it was finished and Veddar had to stay home.

Just me and Carla walking, have not done that in a long time.

Later in the day they woke me up to go for a ride....
I do love to go for rides in the van
Especially when I get the window seat.

Ahhhh the smells that are out there when we are
driving along are just heaven!!

Once we arrived Don went off and did something...
Carla took us for another walk in a place just full of messages.

We did not see any other dogs to sniff and bark at
too bad, we love to do that.
We can really scare other dogs when we get barking together!!
If you don't believe me take a look at our picture.

It was a lovely drive back too, more smells and different ones.

Good thing I took a little nap while we were driving cuz
when we got home Don took us for another walk.

We weren't home very long and then Bev came over...
When is she going to get a dog???
We would not bark and scare her as much if she had a dog too.

After that I had a nice quiet evening, sleeping!!

Made Don take me outside a couple of times...
just cuz I wanted to check up on my neighborhoood.
I sure know how to make him do stuff for me.

Carla came home so late that I was just too tired
after my very busy day to go out for that one last pee.

So I stayed on my bed!!

Life is good

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Bath - No Cone

Could Life Get Any Better?

Today I had to go to work...
but without the cone and that alone is wonderful.

Then I thought I was probably going to have
to have a bath today - that didn't happen either!!


Life is Good

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

RAIN - RAIN and more RAIN

not the best day today...

SHE put us outside in the rain
I would have thought SHE would at least let me stay inside
being that I have only just started to improve.

Then SHE had the nerve to tell me some story like
it was better for me to be outside.

WELL - I am a better judge of that...


I say SHE was wrong!!

However SHE did leave that dreaded cone off of me
especially after having to have slept with it on all nite long!!

I spent the day curled up in my dog house...
at least that is nice and cosy.

Then of course the real fun part was watching
that darned cat Get Wet

It was fun because he sure hates it!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Yes, Yes, Yes

Today is a fabulous day!!

Not only is Carla home, we had very good news from the vet.

I am getting better, now I could have told them that...

but they just don't know how to listen.

We arrived at the vet early and they let me in right away...

thanks goodness because I do not like being there.

The young girl took me away...

now she was nice at first but I have no idea why she had to hurt me.

She did what that last girl did, she took that red stuff from me again.

Carla talked to the vet for a little while and then took us for a walk.

I was so glad to get out there - you have no idea.
It was great getting out in a different neighborhood
>>>so many wonderful new smells and messages<<<

However she then left us in the van and went back into that terrible place.

She came out again and was trying to get me to get out of the van....
then the vet came out and talked to her and she stopped!!!

Maybe that vet is good for something.

YEA!! YEA!! YEA!!!

I was tired after that walk and wanted a nap.

Carla went back in with the vet...
came out a little while later and told me I was definitely getting better.

I am not dying like Don said - silly Don!!

Had a lovely day lying in the sun.

Then Dennis showed up with Veddars food...
we had a grand time barking at him.

You know, I really don't think he understands
just what we are saying to him


he would probably tell on us!!

However we are glad he dosn't because
he does deliver really good food!!

Life is good

PS: I saw this new bed today and I want one!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pet Sitter Heather is here

Our pet sitter Heather is here right now...
it is really hard to get on the computer
because she does not use the right one.

Carla usually leaves the lap top in the chair for me
but she is away, so I had to use the other one.

Not an easy task for me

Sunning myself in the back yard today...
it was sure nice and warm


Heather left that dreaded cone off me
thank goodness.

We do love it when Heather comes and stays
she spoils us even more than usual!!

If you live in the Metro Vancouver area and are looking
for a good pet sitter, I highly recommend Heather...
you can reach her at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Don Was Home With Me Today

This morning everything went as normal....
Carla got up, gave me my breakfast -

YUM YUM gotta love that salmon

When she was making lots of noise with that red machine
I went into the other room and had a little nap.

Then Carla came in the other room and woke me up...
it was time to go for a walk.

That darn cat followed us today so we took the short walk.

I like it MUCH better when "HE" gets locked in the house
when we go out for our walk.

We get a much longer walk when "HE" is not around.

Lots of new smells out there this morning....
I do love this warm weather,
more dogs out walking, more messages to sniff out.

Our neigbor Sam always leaves lots of messages....
he is a good dog to follow.

Don came home very early today....
so I got to spend most of the day sleeping in the house
rather than working out in the back yard.

Still itchy today, had to wear the cone most of the day...
but then Don finally gave me a break in the evening.

It is so much more comfortable sleeping with the darned cone OFF!!

So far these new beds seem OK....
however I still have not made up my mind.
We shall see!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Beds

Now all four of my beds are made from the same stuff!!

Not as soft as they were before but they are more cool.

We'll see if I like them, I will test them out...
but if I don't like them I will refuse to sleep on them.

I do seem less itchy today and that was a good thing.

It was hot at work today out in the back yard.
Lots happening with the construction just down the street.
Good thing I am getting hard of hearing or all that noise would just bug me.

Tonite Carla took my necklace off AND left the cone off. I will be able to scratch quietly and she will never know. I told you I was smart!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I Believe They Are Working

The new pills seem to be working....

They actually let me sleep all nite without that terrible cone!!

I thought I was going to be able to go all day until Carla discovered that I had ripped my face scratching. I guess the red stuff dripping from my face was a BIG clue to her.

However I did get to spend a lot of the day without the cone. That was a very good thing.

Carla also made me a new bed cover, it sure is good for rubbing my face all over it. Just need to get my scent all over it before that darn cat comes around and thinks that it is his.

Life is good - new pills that are working, salmon for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus that new bed - Life Is Good.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Pills

Today was a better day!!!

I was even less itchy today. However they are shoving more pills down my throat. Now it is three instead of one. But I am a good girl, I open my mouth and don't bite them when they shove the pills down.

Now my best news. I am eating different food again, this time it is one of my favorites, SALMON. Yes you read right, salmon. Boy is it every tasty. The best part the cat now wants to have my food, but you guessed it - I'm giving him NONE!! I lick my bowl so clean there is not even a morsel left.

Got to go for two car rides today, ahhhhhhhh gotta love them car rides. Wind blowing my ears about, boy do I ever look good!!

Then we all got to go to a party - too many people there for my liking. Luckily Veddar kept getting in the way so Carla walked us home. Then I was able to spend a leisurely time sleeping on my favorite bed.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stressful Day

Today was a very stressful day, even tho I got to sleep in, cuz u see my owners did not have to go to slave camp today - those kinds of days are always wonderful!!

Right after we got back from our great walk, we went to that darned scary place again, I believe "they" call it the vet. Not only did I have to hang around and wait, but Veddar got all the attention while we were waiting. Not fair, I was the reason we were there, at least I was last time. Turned out I was right, this time was worse tho! We went into the other place where it really smelt like sick animals and medicine - UCH!! Then Carla picked me up and put me way up high - then she allowed the vet to poke and prode at me. He used tape on my skin and that hurt when he pulled it off. Then he shaved a huge patch of fur on my side - the other side from the last time, then he poked me with four big, and I mean really big needles!! Whew then I thought we were going to go - got all excited as we went into the other room expecting to leave for home. Well I was wrong, they made me sit there some more and than we went back into the smelly place again - put me back up on the high place - shaved more fur off of me, this time on my neck. Then there were more needles except this time they would not let Carla hold me, the strange lady did. He left the needles in me for a very, very, very long time and too something out of me, it was very scary. Finally we got to get out of there, although Carla stayed behind and Don took us for a walk. It sure felt good to get out of there!!

Once we got home I headed straight for my bed and went to sleep!!

It was a very stressful day!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

What Are They Up To Now???

Just another one of those great days working in the back yard, guarding my territory. There was lots of dogs a people to guard from today, so much so that they kept me from my regular naps. However i am a tropper, I will survive!!

Different going's on in the house last nite after my owners came home. They both sat with me in the living room, cuz that's where my best bed is, and played on those little screens instead of both of them watching the big one. They told me they were doing it so that they would be able to stay home with me every day, WELL I'm all for that. However I am VERY good, I know how to make them get up, I just go over and poke them with my nose. When I do that one or both of them will get up and let me outside to go pee. I was a bit restless last nite so I made them do that three times, I sure am GOOD!!!

What made the evening even better, the cat stayed out late, so he was not around to bug me at all!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Great Day

Ya gotta just love it when it is sunny and warm here. My day was very nice, however I do want my owners to hurry up and build their business!! I would prefer that they were home during the day so that I could go in and out of the house any time I wish. Plus it is so much fun to be out on the front deck when the mail woman arrives. We sure do bark loud!!!

Last nite they had the audacity to go out in the van and leave me behind. I am sure they know just how much I LOVE to go for a car ride!! Next time I will be more pushy and force them to take me.

Bailey dropped by for a quick visit, I was too busy scratching to pay him much attention.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Oh Dear

I am just sooooooo itchy, I believe my owners will get this fixed for me, I just want them to hurry up.

It was a good day yesterday, the sun is shining my water bowl is full, it is going to be a good day again today. I do love basking in the sun.

Now if that darned cat would just stay out of my yard life would be even better.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I had a good day yesterday, not the best but a good day. My owners both had to go off to those slave camp jobs (I sure wish they would quit soon so they could stay home with me) so I had to go to work too. Now my work is pretty easy. I have my territory, the back yard, which I share with Veddar and sometimes that darn cat. It is my job to protect that territory, lots of people walked by with their dogs so both Veddar and I got to talk to them. Ok yes that does translate into barking lots and LOUD. Then of course I had to take a few naps, ya gotta give those younger dogs a chance to stand guard too. Then low and behold Don came home and I got to go into the house and sleep on my bed, YEA. Now I am still wearing this terrible cone and I am still very itchy but my owners say, with the help of the vet, they will figure out what's wrong with me real soon. I sure hope so because I hate wearing this cone. The only good thing about it, it does scare that darn cat!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm Itchy

Yesterday was a very good day. I had three walks, the extra one was to make up for the bath. You know they try so hard some days, I just love it!! The cat was hardly around at all and when he was, he stayed in the corner where he belongs. Lots of people and dogs walked by our house so I had lots to talk (bark) about. Especially when Janice came by, boy we sure scared her, she didn't even want to come up the stairs. That was fun!! However I am still really itchy, I do wish that special vet would hurry up and figure out what I am allergic to. I sure hope it isn't grass, I love grass!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Life Is Good

Well, the cat did it again last nite. This time it was at 11:30 PM!

He must have been walking on my owners dresser, because there was this big crash, bang, bump and thud!! Everyone in the house was wide awake in a milisecond.

What he did was get up onto the dresser and somehow push the big, and I do mean big, it was bigger than me, mirror off the back of the dresser onto the floor. Lucky for him it did not break and my owners were so grateful that the cat only got into a little bit of trouble.

AHHHHH, I know he will do something stupid again, because all we dogs know that cats are not nearly as smart as us. When he does I will be waiting to watch and enjoy.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

That Darned Cat...

Last nite I was sleeping peacefully on my bed, not an easy task, but that's another story. I was rudely awoken at 11:10PM, that right 11:10PM by a loud crash. My owner's favorite lamp was now laying on the floor in more than it 's one original piece. Guess who did it???? That darn cat...he has been nothing but a bother since he arrived two years ago.

Well guess who came racing down the stairs to find out what happened. Yup you're right my owner, BOY WAS THAT CAT IN TROUBLE. And he had the audacity to try and blame me. However my owner is really smart and he knew it was not me.

As a pay back for being so rudely awoken at 11:10 PM I got to lay there and watch the cat get into trouble. And Believe Me, I enjoyed every minute of it. Then it got a little boring so I went back to sleep